Refund & Returns Policy

Refund & Returns Policy

Right of withdrawal

As a private customer, you have a 14-day right of cancellation from the day you receive your goods – however, this does not apply to specially manufactured products such as products that are printed to order. The right of withdrawal gives you the right to examine the goods in a way that does not damage the product and make it unsuitable for further sale. You may examine the product to the same extent as is considered reasonable to do in a physical store. The right of withdrawal does not apply to business customers. If you wish to use your right of withdrawal, you must notify us within 14 days of receiving your order. You can choose to notify us by email or phone, as well as use our right of withdrawal form to notify us. After you have notified us that you want to cancel the purchase, you must return the product within 14 days.


You must fill in a return slip and attach it when you send the return. You can either use this standard form in case of canceled purchase or the return slip you received in your package. As a customer, you are responsible for paying the return shipping in the same way that you are responsible for the product arriving at Bpprint in good condition. You must therefore package the product in a way that ensures that the product is not damaged during transport. We recommend that you send the item in its original packaging. If you use the return shipping slip provided by Bpprint, you are responsible for the product being returned to us in good condition, i.e. that the packaging used for the return shipment is justifiable. Other responsibility for shipping risk (e.g. lost package) rests with Bpprint. If you do not use a return shipping slip that we provided, but another return shipping option, then you as the customer are fully responsible for the shipment reaching Bpprint.


Bpprint does not offer exchanges of goods. Return address:

Bpprint Sweden

Sporregatan 25

213 77 Malmö

Depreciation deduction

If the goods you return are in a deteriorated condition that makes them unsaleable, Bpprint may make a deduction or refuse to refund, depending on the extent of the damage, which is decided on a case-by-case basis. Refund

We will refund the amount you paid for the goods without undue delay after we have received and processed your return, but no later than 14 days after you have notified us that you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal, provided we have received the product or proof that the product has been sent to us. The refund only takes place for the value of the products and not for any fees for e.g. invoice or if you have actively chosen a more expensive shipping method than the standard shipping we offer. Refunds are always made to the same payment method that was used when ordering.


Right of complaint

As a private customer, you have the right to complain about a faulty product for 3 years from the date you received your item. The right to complain applies to original defects, transport damage and for products that deviate from what has been agreed between the customer and Bpprint or that otherwise show faults. If you wish to advertise a product, please contact our customer service before sending your product back to us. Customer service will give you further instructions on how the complaint process should proceed. If you claim a faulty product after 6 months from receiving the item, it is your responsibility to prove that the fault was original. In the event of an approved complaint, we repair the item to original condition or exchange it for a new item. In some cases, you also have the right to cancel the contract and be reimbursed for the amount you have paid for the item. You must always complain about the product as quickly as possible and without unnecessary delay after the fault has been discovered. 2 months after the error is discovered is always considered a reasonable time for notification. As a business customer, you must complain about errors that were obvious upon receipt within 15 days and always contact Bpprint to establish a complaint. Note that the general right of complaint does not apply to business customers. If the notice of complaint is received after 15 days or the error is discovered after this period, Bpprint is not obliged to repair, replace or refund the order. Contact details for complaints


Telephone: +46 72 044 68 67

As a customer, you shall not pay any return shipping or shipping for a new replacement product in the case of a complaint approved by Bpprint. Return address for complaints:

Bpprint Sweden

Sporregatan 25

213 77 Malmö

Dispute resolution

Disputes between Bpprint and our customers are tried at the court that follows from mandatory legislation. In the event that a case is heard by the General Complaints Board, Bpprint will follow the board’s decision. If you want to file a case, you can contact ARN at: Allmänna reklamentationsnämnden, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm or You can also open a case via the European Commission’s online dispute resolution portal:


Bpprint reserves the right to cancel the agreement without being able to demand compensation, if the customer has acted in bad faith, due to errors on Bpprint that the customer knew or should have realized were incorrect. This includes misrepresenting price or quantity. If there are differences in information between Bpprint and other publications, the information provided here on Bpprint takes precedence. Force majeure Bpprint has the right not to fulfill its obligations under this agreement in the event of circumstances beyond Bpprint’s control or which we could not foresee or overcome. This applies, among other things, to action or omission by authorities, new or amended legislation, labor market dispute, war or threat of war, blockade, fire, explosion, flood, natural disaster or major accident. Intellectual property rights, logos and trademarks All materials published on Bpprint, this includes logos, software, trademarks, text and images are protected according to intellectual property rights. This means that no material may be copied, used or transferred to third parties without permission from the holder of the rights. Any violations will be punished. Color rendering of product images We cannot guarantee that the color reproduction corresponds to the physical colors of products, as the color reproduction depends on the settings of different screens.

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